2000 Bram Stoker Award Nominees & Winners
[presented in 2001]
The Indifference of Heaven by Gary A. Braunbeck
Silent Children by Ramsey Campbell
The Licking Valley Coon Hunters Club by Brian A. Hopkins
The Traveling Vampire Show by Richard Laymon, Winner
The Deceased by Tom Piccirilli
First Novel
Nailed by the Heart by Simon Clark
House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski
The Licking Valley Coon Hunters Club by Brian A. Hopkins, Winner
Run by Douglas E. Winter
Long Fiction
Riding the Bullet by Stephen King
“In Shock” by Joyce Carol Oates
“God Screamed and Screamed, Then I Ate Him” by Lawrence P. Santoro
The Man on the Ceiling by Melanie and Steve Rasnic Tem, Winner
Short Fiction
Dead Cat Bounce by Gerard Daniel Houarner
“Gone” by Jack Ketchum, Winner
“Fallen Angel” by Robert J. Sawyer
“Mexican Moon” by Karen E. Taylor
Fiction Collection
Up, Out of Cities That Blow Hot and Cold by Charlee Jacob
Wind Over Heaven and Other Dark Tales by Bruce Holland Rogers
Magic Terror by Peter Straub, Winner
City Fishing by Steve Rasnic Tem
The Year’s Best Fantasy & Horror, 13th Annual Collection edited by Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling, Winner
Brainbox: The Real Horror edited by Steve Eller
Extremes: Fantasy & Horror from the Ends of the Earth edited by Brian A. Hopkins
Bad News edited by Richard Laymon
On Writing by Stephen King, Winner
Hellnotes by David B. Silva and Paul F. Olson
At the Foot of the Story Tree by Bill Sheehan
Horror of the 20th Century by Robert Weinberg
Illustrated Narrative
“Red Romance” (Flinch 11) by Joe R. Lansdale
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (miniseries) by Alan Moore, Winner
Cable 79-84 by Robert Weinberg
“Spuds” (Night Terrors #1) by Bernie Wrightson
Requiem for a Dream by Darren Aronofsky and Hubert Selby, Jr.
Shadow of the Vampire by Steven Katz, Winner
The Cell by Mark Protosevich
Unbreakable by M. Night Shyamalan
Pitch Black by David Twohy and Ken and Jim Wheat
Work for Young Readers
The Power of Un by Nancy Etchemendy, Winner
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling
Be Afraid! edited by Edo van Belkom
The Christmas Thingy by F. Paul Wilson
Poetry Collection
Paratabloids by Michael A. Arnzen
The Complete Accursed Wives by Bruce Boston
Burial Plot in Sagittarius by Sandy DeLuca
A Student of Hell by Tom Piccirilli, Winner
Other Media
Twilight Tales Reading Series produced by Tina L. Jens and Andrea Dubnick
Chiaroscuro (web site) edited by Steve Eller, Sandra Kasturi, Patricia Lee Macomber and Brett A. Savory, Winner
“Back to the Black Lagoon” (on The Creature from the Black Lagoon DVD) by David J. Skal
Gothic.Net (web site), edited by Darren McKeeman and Mehitobel Wilson