2002 Bram Stoker Award® Nominees & Winners
[presented in 2003]
The Hour Before Dark by Douglas Clegg
From a Buick 8 by Stephen King
Lullaby by Chuck Palahniuk
The Night Class by Tom Piccirilli, Winner
The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold
First Novel
The Blues Ain’t Nothin’ by Tina Jens
Atmosphere by Michael Laimo
The Red Church by Scott Nicholson
The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold, Winner
Long Fiction
Cape Wrath by Paul Finch
Coraline by Neil Gaiman
El Dia De Los Muertos by Brian A. Hopkins, Winner (Tie)
“My Work Is Not Yet Done” by Thomas Ligotti, Winner (Tie)
“The Origin” by David B. Silva
Short Fiction
“Disappearances” by Mort Castle
“The Green Man” by Christopher Fowler
“The Plague Species” by Charlee Jacob
“Details” by China Miéville
“The Misfit Child Grows Fat on Despair” by Tom Piccirilli, Winner
Fiction Collection
One More for the Road by Ray Bradbury, Winner
Nations of the Living, Nations of the Dead by Mort Castle
Knuckles and Tales by Nancy A. Collins
Everything’s Eventual by Stephen King
The Collection by Bentley Little
Shivers edited by Richard Chizmar
The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror, Fifteenth Annual Collection edited by Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling
The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror, Volume 13 edited by Stephen Jones
The Darker Side edited by John Pelan, Winner
Children of Cthulhu edited by John Pelan and Benjamin Adams
Supernatural Fiction Writers: Contemporary Fantasy and Horror by Richard Bleiler
Ramsey Campbell, Probably by Ramsey Campbell, Winner
Ralan.com edited by Ralan Conley
Jobs in Hell edited by Brian Keene and Kelly Laymon
Hellnotes edited by David B. Silva, Paul F. Olson, and Garrett Peck
Illustrated Narrative
Howard the Duck (Issues 1-6) by Steve Gerber
Fort: Prophet of the Unexplained (Issues 1-4) by Peter Lenkov
Nightside (Issues 1-4) by Robert Weinberg, Winner
Minority Report by Scott Frank and Jon Cohen (based on a story by Philip K. Dick)
Frailty by Brent Hanley, Winner
The Ring by Ehren Kruger (based on the novel by Koji Suzuki and on the motion picture by The Spiral Production Group)
Signs by M. Night Shyamalan
Work for Young Readers
Abarat by Clive Barker
Cat in Glass and Other Tales of the Unnatural by Nancy Etchemendy
Coraline by Neil Gaiman, Winner
Abu and the Seven Marvels by Richard Matheson and William Stout
Poetry Collection
Night Smoke by Bruce Boston and Marge Simon
Guises (Poetry Section “Night Unmasked”) by Charlee Jacob
The Gossamer Eye by Mark McLaughlin, Rain Graves, and David Niall Wilson, Winner
This Cape Is Red Because I’ve Been Bleeding by Tom Piccirilli
Alternative Forms
Buckeye Jim in Egypt (audio script based on the Mort Castle story) by Mort Castle
Flesh and Blood (magazine) edited by Jack Fisher
The Tree Is My Hat (audio script based on the Gene Wolfe story) by Larry Santoro
Imagination Box (multimedia CD) by Steve and Melanie Tem, Winner