Barnett, Barbara


The Apothecary’s Curse (Pyr Books), First Novel, 2016

BIO: Barbara Barnett is author of the Bram Stoker Award-nominated novel The Apothecary’s Curse (Pyr Books). She is also Publisher/Executive Editor of Blogcritics Magazine (, an online magazine of pop culture, politics and more, for which she has contributed nearly 1,000 essays, reviews. She is known for her in-depth TV criticism and her long-form interviews with writers, composers, actors, and producers.

Her critically acclaimed book on the TV series House, M.D., Chasing Zebras: THE Unofficial Guide to House, M.D. is considered the quintessential guide to the themes, characters, and episodes of the hit show.

An annual favorite at MENSA’s HalloWEEM convention, Barbara speaks to standing room crowds at fan and writers conferences on a wide-variety of topics including “Between Fear and Wonder: A Subjective History of Speculative Fiction,” “The Byronic Hero in Pop Culture,”  “The Conan Doyle Conundrum,” which explores the famous author’s life-long belief in fairies, and the philosophy of “radical amazement.” She is a featured speaker at the 2018 national MENSA convention.

Barbara holds a masters degree in public policy and political science from the University of Illinois. She lives in the Chicago area with her tolerant husband and best critic Phillip and their Australian Shepherd Semra.

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