Hepler, Jeremy


The Boulevard Monster (Bloodshot Books), First Novel, 2017

BIO: Native to the Texas Panhandle, Jeremy Hepler is a stay-at-home dad who lives in a small rural community in the heart of Texas with his wife Tricia and son Noah. He has had twenty-four short stories published in various professional markets, placed second in the Panhandle Professional Writers short story contest in 2014, and his debut novel, THE BOULEVARD MONSTER, was published by Bloodshot Books in April 2017. Other than writing suspense and horror novels, he loves to read, garden, draw, and repurpose old furniture. For more information hit him up on Twitter (@JeremyHepler), Facebook, or Instagram.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/JeremyHepler
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jeremy.hepler.5
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jeremyheplerauthor/

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