Conlon, Christopher


He is Legend: An Anthology Celebrating Richard Matheson, Anthology, 2009


A Matrix Of Angels, Novel, 2011

Midnight on Mourn Street, First Novel, 2008

BIO: Christopher Conlon is the author of several novels including Savaging the Dark, acclaimed by Booklist as one of the Top Ten Horror Books of 2014-15 and included in Paste Magazine’s “21 Best Horror Books of the 21st Century.” His Richard Matheson tribute anthology He Is Legend won the Bram Stoker Award, was reprinted by the Science Fiction Book Club, and appeared in several translated editions. Conlon has written numerous books of short stories and poems as well as two stage plays, including Rossum’s Universal Replica’s: Karel Čapek’s “R.U.R.” Reimagined. A former Peace Corps Volunteer, he holds an M.A. in American Literature from the University of Maryland. Currently he lives in the Washington, D.C. area.

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