Dries, Aaron


“Nona Doesn’t Dance” (Cut to Care: A Collection of Little Hurts) (IFWG Australia, IFWG International), Short Fiction, 2022

BIO: Author, artist, and filmmaker, Aaron Dries was born and raised in New South Wales, Australia. His novels include the award-winning HOUSE OF SIGHS, THE FALLEN BOYS, A PLACE FOR SINNERS, WHERE THE DEAD GO TO DIE (with Mark Allan Gunnells), plus the novellas THE SOUND OF HIS BONES BREAKING, and the Australian Shadows Award, Ditmar, Shirley Jackson Award nominated DIRTY HEADS. CUT TO CARE: A COLLECTION OF LITTLE HURTS, released in 2022, is his first collection of short stories and was described by author Paul Tremblay as “heartbreaking, frightening, and all too real”. Aaron Dries is one host of the popular podcast, LET THE CAT IN, and also co-founded Elsewhere Here Productions. His fiction, art, and films have been celebrated domestically and abroad. He is currently working on a new novel and a number of screenplays. Drop him a line at aarondries.com, on Twitter @AaronDries or TikTok @aarondries_writer.