“The Evil Aging Women of American Horror Story” (Elder Horror: Essays on Film’s Frightening Images of Aging) (McFarland), Short Non-Fiction, 2019
BIO: Karen J. Renner is an associate professor of English at Northern Arizona University. Her edited collection, The ‘Evil Child’ in Film, Literature and Popular Culture, waspublished by Routledge in 2013 and her single-authored study of the subject, Evil Children in the Popular Imagination, byPalgrave Macmillan, 2016. She is currently at work on a follow-up book titled Killer Kids: Juvenile Homicide in U.S. Popular Culture, which is under contract with the University Press of Mississippi. She has also published articles on the appeal of the apocalypse, masculinity in ghost-hunting “reality” television, Edgar Allan Poe’s influence on serial killers, girls’ diaries in horror films, and cinema’s monstrous newborns and the mothers who love them.