Massie, Elizabeth


Lifetime Achievement Award, 2022

Sineater, First Novel, 1992

“Stephen”, Long Fiction, 1990


Shadow Dreams, Fiction Collection, 1996

BIO: Elizabeth Massie is a two-time Bram Stoker Award-winner, receiving the awards for her novelette “Stephen” and first novel Sineater. Her novels, novelizations, and collections include Sineater, Hell Gate, Desper Hollow, Wire Mesh Mothers, Twisted Branch (under the pseudonym Chris Blaine), Homeplace, Naked On the Edge, Afraid, Sundown, Dark Shadows: Dreams of the Dark (co-authored with Mark Rainey), Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Power of Persuasion, Homegrown, Night Benedictions (poems and meditations), On the Outside Looking Up (nonfiction), Versailles (based on the French mini-series), The Tudors: King Takes Queen and The Tudors: Thy Will Be Done (based on the Showtime original mini-series), You Gonna Die Fly, Damn You Demon, and the upcoming Suck It Up Slug (not-for-kids picture books), the Ameri-Scares series for middle grade readers, the Young Founders series of historical novels for young adults, and more. She’s had over 100 short stories published in magazines and anthologies, including several “year’s best” volumes. Beth lives in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, and in her spare time she knits hats and insanely long scarves, goes geocaching, drinks chai at Starbucks, and hangs out with her husband, super-talented illustrator and theremin-player, Cortney Skinner.

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