Chambers, James


Kolchak the Night Stalker: The Forgotten Lore of Edgar Allan Poe (Moonstone), Graphic Novel, 2016

Silver Hammer Award, 2016

Richard Laymon President’s Award, 2012


Under Twin Suns: Alternate Histories of the Yellow Sign (Hippocampus Press), Anthology, 2021

A New York State of Fright: Horror Stories from the Empire State (Hippocampus Press), Anthology, 2018

“A Song Left Behind in the Aztakea Hills” (Shadows Over Main Street, Volume 2), Short Fiction, 2017

BIO: James Chambers is the Bram Stoker Award-winning author of the original graphic novel Kolchak the Night Stalker: The Forgotten Lore of Edgar Allan Poe as well as the Lovecraftian novella collection, The Engines of Sacrifice, described in a Publisher’s Weekly starred-review as “…chillingly evocative….” He has also written the story collections On the Night Border and Resurrection Houseand the dark, urban fantasy novella, Three Chords of Chaos. His story “A Song Left Behind in the Aztakea Hills,” published in Shadows Over Main Street 2, was nominated for a Bram Stoker Award. His tales of crime, fantasy, horror, pulp, science fiction, steampunk, and more have appeared in numerous anthologies and magazines. He has also edited anthologies—most recently A New York State of Fright, nominated for a Bram Stoker Award—and written and edited comic books, including Isaac Asimov’s I*Bots, Leonard Nimoy’s Primortals, Gene Roddenberry’s Lost Universe, and Shadow House. His website is