Jones, Stephen


The Art of Horror (Applause Theatre & Cinema Books), Non-fiction, 2015

Lifetime Achievement Award, 2013

Horror: Another 100 Best Books, Non-fiction, 2005

Clive Barker’s Shadows of Eden, Non-fiction, 1991

Horror: The 100 Best Books, Non-fiction, 1989


The Art of Horror Movies: An Illustrated History (Applause Theatre & Cinema Books), Non-fiction, 2017

Weird Shadows Over Innsmouth, Anthology, 2005

The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror, Volume 13, Anthology, 2002

The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror 10, Anthology, 1999

The Essential Monster Movie Guide, Non-fiction, 1999

Clive Barker’s A-Z of Horror, Non-fiction, 1997

The Illustrated Werewolf Movie Guide, Non-fiction, 1996

BIO: STEPHEN JONES lives in London, England. A Hugo Award nominee, he is the winner of four World Fantasy Awards, three International Horror Guild Awards, five Bram Stoker Awards, twenty-one British Fantasy Awards and a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Horror Writers Association. One of Britain’s most acclaimed horror and dark fantasy writers and editors, he has more than 145 books to his credit, including The Art of Horror Movies: An Illustrated History; the film books of Neil Gaiman’s Coraline and Stardust, The Illustrated Monster Movie Guide and The Hellraiser Chronicles; the non-fiction studies Horror: 100 Best Books and Horror: Another 100 Best Books (both with Kim Newman); the single-author collections Necronomicon and Eldritch Tales by H.P. Lovecraft, The Complete Chronicles of Conan and Conan’s Brethren by Robert E. Howard, and Curious Warnings: The Great Ghost Stories of M.R. James; plus such anthologies as Horrorology: The Lexicon of Fear, Fearie Tales: Stories of the Grimm and Gruesome, A Book of Horrors, The Mammoth Book of Vampires, The Lovecraft Squad and Zombie Apocalypse! series, and twenty-nine volumes of Best New Horror. You can visit his web site at or follow him on Facebook at Stephen Jones-Editor.


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